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Welcome to Louisiana Delta Community College Center for Adult Development. Below are a few questions that are used to collect information on our students which is required by our funding source. This funding source allows for you to have low to no costs associated with the adult education classes you take. Without this funding, the cost of adult education courses would increase.
All data are coded and submitted for analysis in bulk. However, your first and last name and your email are needed so any of your information can be connected with you to provide for proper analysis. Once you complete the survey, your name and email address are REMOVED to keep your information CONFIDENTIAL.
This information is only shared in BULK- your individual responses are never made available to anyone within the adult education program.
Thank you for providing this valuable information to continue the current funding of our program. Please enter the first and last name you registered with so you can receive credit for completing this survey. Your program does not get individual results, just your name showing you completed.
FIRST name
LAST name
email address
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I wish I were more consistent in my feelings.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
It's hard for me to figure out my own personality, interests, and opinions.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I often think how fragile my existence is.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I have a pretty good sense of what my long-term goals are in life.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I sometimes wonder if people can actually see me.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
Other people's thoughts and feelings seem to carry greater weight than my own.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I have a clear and definite sense of who I am and what I'm all about.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
It bothers me that my personality doesn't seem to be well-defined.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I'm not sure that I can understand or put much trust in my thoughts and feelings.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
Who am I? is a question that I ask myself a lot.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I need other people to help me understand what I think or how I feel.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
I tend to be very sure of myself and stick to my own preferences even when the group I am with expresses different preferences.
Strongly agree- Very much like me
Somewhat agree- Somewhat like me
Somewhat disagree- Somewhat NOT like me
Strongly disagree-NOT at all like me
Part 2
Part 2
I keep a diary.
I have defended my opinions publicly within the past month.
I have developed a step-by-step plan for accomplishing my career goals.
I have felt overlooked or invisible in a recent social situation.
I have recently had trouble making a major purchase because I didn't know if I would like something or not.
I have signed a petition or written a political statement within the past year.
I bought an item of clothing within the past six months that wasn't at all right for me.
Sometimes when I have looked in the mirror lately it seemed like I was looking at a stranger.
My personality is strongly evident in how my bedroom is decorated.
I have asked myself the question "Who am I?" at least once during the past month.
I put my own personal stamp on everything I do.
Within the past month, I have asked friends or family what they think about an issue to help me decide what my own opinion should be.
When describing my personality to others, I have purposely used vague and general terms, in case my personality were to change soon after.
Within the past month, I have engaged in a debate with someone about a particularly strong opinion that I hold.
Within the past several months, I have told a group of friends that I did not want to do what they were all planning to do for an evening out because I wanted to do something different.
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